Since 2013, Assintecal – Brazilian Association of Companies of Components for Leather, Footwear and Manufactured Goods - has carried out, together with Abicalçados – Brazilian Footwear Industries Association – the sustainability certification for companies in the leather-footwear production chain: the Sustainable Origin Seal. The certification, which follows a scale - namely White, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Diamond -, recognizes Brazilian companies that have already incorporated sustainability into their production processes. To be granted the Sustainable Origin Seal, footwear industries and their components are evaluated according to four pillars: environmental, economic, social, and cultural. With the aid of the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae), the Sustainable Origin certification process is managed by the By Brasil Institute and coordinated by Professor Tereza Cristina Carvalho of the Sustainability Laboratory – Lassu – of the University of São Paulo (USP). Currently, over 130 companies in the leather-footwear production chain have already joined the Sustainable Origin Seal program.
Why join it? The Sustainable Origin Seal promotes a greater degree of commitment of companies in the footwear production chain to the sustainability issue, which results in the enlargement of opportunities in the domestic and export markets, especially as regards countries whose regulations are oriented towards the purchase of sustainable products. Another benefit of the Sustainable Origin Seal is the guarantee that it will align the Brazilian leather-footwear industry with international market sustainability standards such as WRAP - Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production, in addition to the Higg Index and the GRI - Global Reporting Initiative.

Learn more about the Sustainable Origin Seal at:


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